Catastrophic Car Accidents and the Affect on Families

How Catastrophic Car Accidents Affect Families

Catastrophic car accidents are collisions resulting in permanent, life-changing injuries for the victim. Not only do these collisions have a profound impact on the victim’s life, but they can also have a ripple effect on the victim’s family, friends, loved ones, and community as a whole. It is crucial that victims of such serious collisions get the compensation they need to adjust to their new normal and receive the ongoing care they require.

If you or someone you love has been the victim of a catastrophic car accident in Montgomery, it’s time to talk to McPhillips Shinbaum and attorney Aaron Luck. With extensive experience in personal injury law, attorney Luck knows what it takes to hold negligent drivers accountable. Call us at 334-262-1911 to set up a consultation now.

The Immediate Fallout of a Catastrophic Crash

In the immediate aftermath of a catastrophic accident, families may have their lives turned upside down. Just a few of the immediate consequences include:

  • Urgent medical needs: The victim of a catastrophic car accident will have urgent medical needs that require around-the-clock care. For days, weeks, or even months, loved ones may not even know if their family member is going to pull through. When they stabilize, family members may have to provide ongoing care.
  • Financial strain: Whether or not the injured individual was a breadwinner for the family, the financial strain may be felt immediately. Medical care is expensive, and between copays and other upfront expenses, the family may be left struggling to make ends meet.
  • Upheaval of daily routines: A catastrophic accident can completely change family members’ priorities and routines. As they prioritize the care and recovery of their loved one, work, school, and other obligations may take a backseat.

The Emotional and Mental Consequences of a Collision

Family members often suffer significant emotional and mental consequences after a catastrophic accident. Even though their loved one is still with them, it’s likely that they are comatose, limited in their communication abilities, or otherwise completely changed from how family members remember them. This can leave loved ones with a profound sense of emptiness and loneliness—feelings they often push down to avoid further burdening those around them. As they acclimate to life after an accident, they may also struggle to figure out how to balance their own psychological needs with those of their loved ones.

How These Collisions Affect Families’ Physical Health

When one family member suffers catastrophic injuries, other family members often have to step in and provide substantial physical care. This may involve helping the injured party with showering, using the restroom, ambulating, and transferring to and from bed. This takes an enormous physical toll on family members and puts them at risk of serious injury. Additionally, if the injured party was one of the family’s main breadwinners, other adults in the family may have to step up and bridge that financial gap. This often means putting in long hours, taking on a second job, and exploring side hustles. As a result, they may suffer injuries and put themselves at risk of illness.

Long-Term Changes in a Family Arrangement

Over time, the entire dynamic of a family may change, particularly if the injured loved one suffers permanent, serious losses in ability. Children may start learning to care for themselves if their parents (or remaining parent) are consumed with the care of the injured family member. They may even be involved in the ongoing care of their injured family member, shifting their role from parent to caretaker. Adults who step into a caretaking role may feel isolated and lonely, particularly if their spouse is the injured party—if they used to lean on their spouse for emotional support, they may be left with minimal support. It is crucial for surviving family members to be cognizant of their psychological and mental health needs during this time.

Fight for Full and Fair Compensation With McPhillips Shinbaum

When you’re ready to move forward with a personal injury claim, it’s time to meet with attorney Aaron Luck and find out how he can help you pursue justice. Get started now by claiming your free consultation. Just call us at 334-262-1911 or send us a message online to set up a time that fits your schedule.