How Driver Fatigue Contributes to Car Crashes in Alabama

Car accidents caused by driver fatigue are a serious issue in Alabama, leading to devastating consequences for those involved. Unfortunately, this issue is growing in severity every day, with an ever-increasing number of collisions being traced back to tired drivers.

It’s crucial that you understand your legal options after a fatigued driving crash. That’s where our team comes in. Led by attorney Aaron Luck, we fight aggressively to help our clients recover fair and full compensation. Learn more now by calling us at 334-262-1911 to set up a consultation.

Driver Fatigue and Its Causes

Driver fatigue is a significant hazard that can affect anyone who gets behind the wheel. This weariness stems from several sources, like consistently not getting enough sleep, driving for too many hours without taking breaks, or even medical conditions that haven’t been diagnosed or treated properly. 

Your body requires a certain amount of sleep, and no amount of coffee or loud music can trick it into feeling awake. This need for rest can sneak up on drivers, often without them realizing how much their alertness has dwindled. As you become more tired, your ability to make quick decisions and respond to sudden changes on the road decreases. 

How Driver Fatigue Affects Driving Performance

When you drive while fatigued, your reaction time slows down, making it harder to make quick moves or decisions. This is critical when you need to stop suddenly or dodge an unexpected obstacle on the road. Driver fatigue makes it tough to keep your car straight in its lane. You might find yourself swerving without even realizing it, increasing the risk of hitting another car or running off the road. Missing important signs or signals becomes more likely because your brain isn’t processing information as swiftly or accurately as it should. These aren’t just minor slip-ups. They’re serious hazards that can lead to accidents, putting everyone on the road in danger. Being aware of how tiredness affects your ability to drive safely is crucial.

Legal Consequences of Fatigue-Related Car Accidents in Alabama

In Alabama, facing the aftermath of a car accident caused by driving while tired can be very serious. The law can hold you accountable for any harm or damage that happened because of the crash. This means you might have to deal with some hefty fines, your driver’s license could be suspended, and in some cases, you could even face criminal charges. You must know both what you’re responsible for and your rights under Alabama law.

Are You Owed Compensation After a Crash?

After experiencing a car accident caused by driver fatigue, you might wonder if you’re entitled to compensation. Fair compensation should cover your medical bills, lost income because you couldn’t work, and the pain you’ve gone through. It’s important to explore your legal options to find out if you can get compensation for what happened to you. You’ll need to get in touch with a personal injury expert who understands the intricacies of car accident claims. They can help you figure out your rights and the best path forward.

Proving Driver Fatigue

Showing that driver fatigue was behind a car accident is a tough but vital part of your case. To do this, you’ll need strong proof, like what witnesses observed, what’s in the police report, and what experts on sleep and driving say about the crash. These pieces of evidence can point to signs that the driver was too tired to be driving safely. 

For example, if the driver admitted to yawning a lot, having trouble focusing, or missing exits, these can be clues that sleepiness played a role in the accident. Gathering this kind of evidence might seem daunting, but it’s where having a skilled attorney can really make a difference. They know exactly what to look for and how to put together the strongest case possible on your behalf.

Take the First Step in Your Car Accident Claim Now

The sooner you reach out to the car accident team at McPhillips Shinbaum, the more time we have to investigate your crash and start advocating for you. Schedule a consultation now by calling us at 334-262-1911 or filling out our quick and easy contact form.